Monday 11 June 2018

Music - Riptire song preview & love/hate the POD

I have a bunch of stuff on the go in my computer. I have a few working tracks and songs that I've been playing with. Essentially every time I sit down I'm working on a new songs, which must mean the stuff prior isn't sticking if I don't want to play them. That said, I really like what I came up with Saturday night.

I fired up my Telecaster and AC30 at "bedroom" levels and started to play around. The wife didn't text me or anything about being too loud, so that's a very good sign. I plugged in my favorite pedal (Crowther Hot Cake) and a Vox Delay Lab and just starting jamming away. I didn't really get a feel for anything with the delay that night. I also went in wanting to do something with a slower groove to it, but came away with a bluesy hard rocky riff at 140bpm...which seems to be my average as of late.

Here is the first draft and rough track jammed out.

"Riptire" is just a working title right now as I don't have any lyrics written, and it will most likely change. The bridge is probably the part I want to change the most, as well as the solo at the end. There is a chance it will get a bit longer.

This is where it gets interesting, the stuff I have been writing is very dry crunchy tones, no real FX use. I'm a huge FX user, I love filling out the soundscape with various effects that really add to the songs. I get very inspired playing with different effects, which is why I took out my delay pedal. I'm lacking in some pedals, and I originally didn't think I'd be buying back in... but I'm starting to do some head shopping to check some stuff out. I need a tremolo for sure, as it has been one of my most used effects. I'm also looking at a polyphonic octave pedal as I got a lot of use out of my POG 2 when I had it. But I cannot justify buying another POG2 at this time.

Guitar tones are interesting tho. I'm going to be exchanging the cab-clone for a 16 ohm version as soon as possible. I'm trying to use the POD for recording guitar and I'm just not happy with it. The track I linked above is recorded with my Rockerverb 50 going into the Cab Clone and using Wall of Sound speaker emulation in Cubase. I really like it, it sounds thick and full and expressive. The rest is all POD, and I really want to use my AC30, but will need a 16ohm version to plug it in.

It's not that the POD tones are bad, they aren't. They are very use-able, but I find I am constantly fighting with it. The more I get into this writing project the more frustrated I'm getting with this thing.

The first issue is when I'm trying to use it as a recording interface. One of the things I was doing originally was having it hooked up and running it as an interface right into Cubase. This allows me to edit patches on the fly on the computer. I guess I still could if I got another USB cable for it... but I will no longer use it for recording direct. I will now be passing it through my Audiobox. The main reason is that it is constantly glitching and giving electric static jolts. I assume because it can't keep up with Cubase.

The other issue I'm having is either not having enough output to the recording desk or clipping the front end. I've tried a bunch of different tricks, but ultimately it's just frustrating to have to be digging around and messing with things all the time. I don't like it, it's annoying.

Finally the tone. It's usable, it's workable, it sounds better than the Cab Clone before adding speaker simulation. But, it's not alive like a real amp, and it isn't as defined sounding as a real amp. Overall it's kinda muffled. The distortion models are complete crap too... but then again I'm used to using pedals like the Crowther Hot Cake, Empress Multi-Drive, Xotic BB Preamp, Diamond Fireburst...etc.

Once I get the 16ohm Cab clone and can use my AC30 I'll see if I need to start going any deeper, but I may also rent a Line 6 Helix to see how much better it really is.

So in the track above, can you hear which guitar is the Orange Rockerverb 50 through the Cab Clone into Wall of Sound vs the Line6 Pod HD 500.